Each October, National Principals Month recognizes the hard work and essential role Principals play in education.

At TEPSA, we wanted to take time this month to say, “Thank you!”

Thank you for

  • The unpaid overtime
  • The difficult phone calls
  • The budget decisions
  • Hiring, training, and retaining teachers
  • Showing up and being present
  • Continuing to better and grow yourself
  • Planning PD
  • Meeting families with concerns
  • Meeting teachers with concerns
  • Handling discipline issues
  • And so much more

We know the day-to-day of every principal is different, just like every role in education. The list could go on and on with all the tasks you are asked to complete. Great principals are decision makers, listening ears, and compassionate hearts. You give of yourself in countless ways each day. We can never say “Thank you” enough to anyone who plays a role in education.

But this month, we specifically tell YOU, thank you!

We also have seen time and time again the best leaders know how to show gratitude to those around them. So, this month, stop and rest for a minute and reflect on all the great things you’re doing. Then, take a second to show gratitude to a fellow principal.

Here are some of our favorite ways to recognize your colleagues:

  1. Grab a postcard and write them a quick note,
  2. Take 5 minutes to call them on the phone.
  3. Use UberEats or DoorDash and send them their favorite lunch.
  4. Write an email telling them two reasons why you appreciate them.
  5. If they’re close by to you, stop by Sonic or the gas station and grab their favorite drink.
  6. Check out more ideas here: https://www.principalsmonth.org/


We can take a second to pour into someone else in so many ways.

Everyone deserves to be celebrated. This month, we hope you feel a little extra appreciation thrown your way. You’ve got this!


Todd Nesloney is TEPSA’s Director of Culture and Strategic Leadership. He is an award-winning educator, author and international speaker.

The Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA), whose hallmark is educational leaders learning with and from each other, has served Texas PK-8 school leaders since 1917. Member owned and member governed, TEPSA has more than 6000 members who direct the activities of 3 million PK-8 school children. TEPSA is an affiliate of the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

© Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association

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