Build Your Professional Network with TEPSA

Whether you’re building your professional network, growing your leadership skills or furthering TEPSA’s mission, volunteering ensures you’ll gain as much as you contribute to the profession.

Advocate for Principals and Students

Contact lawmakers and represent PK-8 school leaders and students. Join the Legislative Network to stay on top of legislation and make your voice heard. Contact Mark.

Join Standing Committees

Share ideas and provide feedback in the areas of advocacy, programs and services, or membership, marketing and public relations. Standing Committees, a diverse group of members throughout the state, are appointed by the TEPSA president. Committees meet each winter in Austin. Participants also serve as an officer for their region by representing TEPSA, attending events, recruiting members, and participating in Leadership U Region Officer Training at TEPSA Summer Conference. Complete the Interest and Nomination form to apply for a Standing Committees position.

Run for State Office

Required Qualifications to Run for TEPSA State Office

  • Service on the TEPSA Board of Directors or TEPSA Standing Committees
    • Must be a TEPSA member in good standing for at least three consecutive years immediately prior to nomination
    • Support from the TEPSA Region Executive Committee and school district superintendent (as evidenced by letters of recommendation)
    • Professional demeanor and ability to communicate

Questions? Contact Anita.

Write for TEPSA

Share the great things you’ve discovered by contributing articles and information about best practices, innovative projects or useful resources. Write for TEPSA.

Be a TEPSA Ambassador

Serve as your school district liaison. Help principals and assistant principals in your TEPSA region by making connections answering questions and sharing resources.

  • Greet attendees at TEPSA Summer Conference registration. Contact Todd.
  • Share tips with other school leaders on the TEPSA Member Spotlight social media feature. Contact Todd.
  • Are you interested in getting more involved in your Region Leadership Team and want to serve as a TEPSA Ambassador for your region? Contact Todd.

Share Your Knowledge

Present a session at Summer Conference. Practicing administrators share expertise focused on the seven leadership strands for Texas principals. Contact Belinda.

Make a Difference Locally

Contact your Region President for information about volunteer opportunities in your area.

The Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA), whose hallmark is educational leaders learning with and from each other, has served Texas PK-8 school leaders since 1917. Member owned and member governed, TEPSA has more than 6000 members who direct the activities of 3 million PK-8 school children. TEPSA is an affiliate of the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

© Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association

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