Empower Students to Lead

Teach students to become leaders for positive change in your school and your community! Giving students a voice promotes citizenship, school spirit, responsibility, and teamwork while teaching leadership skills in an authentic setting.
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Take the TEPSA Member Survey!

We only conduct a member survey on this scale every three years. While it only takes about 10 minutes to complete, the results will have a deep and enduring effect on our organization.
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TEPSA Bylaws Vote this Spring

Member driven and member governed, TEPSA depends on volunteer leaders to ensure the association continues to positively represent Texas PreK-8 principals and supervisors.
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The Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA), whose hallmark is educational leaders learning with and from each other, has served Texas PK-8 school leaders since 1917. Member owned and member governed, TEPSA has more than 6000 members who direct the activities of 3 million PK-8 school children. TEPSA is an affiliate of the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

© Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association

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